Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Playing in the rain!

With all the rain lately, Bri and Kam have sure loved to run and play in it. I watch them with a smile and just think to myself how great parenting is for these simple moments that make me SMILE!


Brilee loves to dress up in my clothes these days, and we have alot of Hard wood floors through the house, so i am constantly hearing "CLONK, CLONK, CLONK"....everyday her and Kambrie walk around the house in my shoes! The other day, we got home and I was making the kids some dinner when I all the sudden hear the noise....I turn around and see this! She is such a poser and cracks my ass up!

What a damn CUTIE!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Jason and Annie's Wedding!

So as many of you know, my brother Jason and his "New" wife got married yesterday! I am so Happy for them! I am also so happy that Annie is part of all of our lives. She is such a sweet, kind and loving person especially to my kids...all four of them think the world of her! The wedding was amazingly beautiful! Annie looked breathtaking, and Jason just brought tears to my eyes. The venue was beautiful, and the whole day could not have worked out any better! Anyway, CONGRATS to you both!!!!

Here are a few Pics of the fam for all of you to enjoy! When Annie gets her professional pics back, I will post some of those...her photographer is amazing...so stay tuned!

Brilee's Grass Head

So about two months ago Brilee came home from Preschool with a "Grass Head" She was so proud of it. The thing was Bald of course at the time and has had about 6 or 7 haircuts since. Well, I guess she is not interested in cutting his hair anymore, becasue as you can see...he has a full head of hair! I just think this is the cutest damn thing and thought I would share it with you all...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Kambrie and the Vacuum

The other day I heard the vacuum, I assumed it was Lance becasue all of you that know him know that he is a clean FREAK and vacumes everyday at least once a day. Well, I walked into the empty room in our house which we call the "wrestle room" and found this.....

The funniest thing to me is, the thing is just as big as she is!

Brilee's Preschool Graduation

Last week Brilee had her preschool graduation. She went to Red Apple Preschool and her teacher was truly amazing. Brilee walked away with so much more knowledge then she started with and I truly am greatful for Mrs Tonya giving her that. We were so proud of her! And she is very Proud of Herself as you can see in the second picture!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My Worst Nightmare!

Every since Brilee was born, I have absolutly been terrified that one of my girls would get ahold of the scissors and do what every other little girl does. Well, my worst nightmare finally happened. Which is kinda funny becasue I am so anal about putting the scissors where kids can not reach them. Well, last weekend I walked into the bathroom and found Brilee standing at the sink with hair scattered below her feet. All I could think was "Oh Shit..she finally did it! But how did she do it?" Then I instantly thought "Damn you Lance...you left the scissors out"... I really honestly thought I was over that stage...but apparently I was wrong. Well, once all the thoughts went through my head, I shouted..."Brilee...what in the hell are you doing"...she politly turned around and said "I'm cutting my hair to look like yours Mommy!". Which keep in mind she did not do with Scissors....she used the lovely cat nail clippers. ;)

The Cat's Bath

So if you don't know...now you know....Lance is very allergic to everything that well, walks, talks, breathes, grows, pretty much anything that is on this world he is allergic to. So why he wanted a cat still gets me. Don't get me wrong I love my cat but if I was as allergic to the thing as he is...I just dont know if I could do it. Nightly he starts itching and complains about how the cat needs brushed...which apparently is my job to do so. Well, I dont, so this is his way of getting rid of all the "dander" and "excess hair".....LMAO...Poor Cat!

Junk Mail

Ok, so Lance sells advertising for Hunt for a million.com. Which if you havent checked it out, you should...you can win cash and prizes daily! Anyway, he got this idea to save all the junk mail for a week so he could take a picture of it and show potential clients where all thier money is going (in the garbage)! So for the last week we saved all the junk we got in the mailbox and put it in a small garbage bag. Unbelievable is all I have to say. Remember, this is for ONE week, which is SIX actual days of mail delivery. It is absolutly rediculous to me that this much junk mail goes out in just one week!!

Playing in the Snow!

I know...it has been over two months since my last post, so I have alot of catching up to do. Well, here are some pictures of Bri and Kam playing in the snow. Brilee absolutly loves it! Kambrie...wasnt so sure at first, but came around and decided she liked it. Which god knows that didnt come from me because I Hate the cold white stuff!